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Figure 3 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 3

From: In silico investigation of ADAM12 effect on TGF-β receptors trafficking

Figure 3

Possible models for ADAM12 fit the constraints. Comparison between V-model (red) and one of the models handling ADAM12 (blue). X-axis represents time in minute. The ADAM12 model has V-model architecture and its kinetic coefficient multipliers are: 7.5 k ie , 1 k re , 0.15 k ic , 1 k rc , 1 k cd , 1 k lid . Panel A displays the amount of LRCe, the system is stimulated by TGF-β from time = 3000 to time = 7000. The amount of LRCe, in the ADAM12 model, is increased and the signal is not persistent upon removal of TGF-β (constraints 1 and 5). Panel B displays the total amount of receptors present in the system, without TGF-β stimulation. This amount is increased in the ADAM12 model (constraint 2). Panel C displays the ratio of internalized receptors out of those in the cell membrane, without TGF-β stimulation. This ratio is increased in the ADAM12 model (constraint 3). Panel D displays the product of the amount of LRCe by k lid , the system is stimulated by TGF-β from time = 3000 to time = 7000. This stands for the flow of LRCe going under ligand induced degradation. This flow is decreased in the ADAM12 model (constraint 4).

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