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Figure 1 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 1

From: Cloning of Bovine herpesvirus type 1 and type 5 as infectious bacterial artifical chromosomes

Figure 1

Strategy for cloning the full-length genomes of wt BoHV5 and wt BoHV1 as BACs and restriction enzyme analyses (REA). Panel A: Restriction maps of BoHV5 (Bam HI; left) and BoHV1 (Hin dIII; right). Division in unique long (UL), unique short (US), internal repeat (IR) and terminal repeat (TR) is shown on top, fragments are lettered alphabetically and sizes are indicated in kbp. Left ends of genomes are additionally blown up to map the site of BAC backbone insertion between CIRC (circ) and BICP27 (27). Upon insertion into BoHV5, Bam HI fragment A is replaced by fragments A1, A2, and A3. Likewise, insertion into BoHV1, Hin dIII fragment N is replaced by fragments N1, N2 and N3. Panel B: Restriction enzyme digests of wt BoHV, rBoHV, fBoHV and rBoHVΔBAC. Fragments of interest are labelled as in panel A: Panel C: Possible two orientations of US within fBoHV5 and fBoHV1 respectively. Hin dIII map of both orientations for BoHV1 is part of panel A, Nde I of both orientations for BoHV5 is given above the REA. fBoHV5 BAC #5 and fBoHV1 BAC #3 pointed with red circles were used for further experiments.

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