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Table 1 Themes within the coding system for both student and teacher interviews

From: Students' and teachers' perceptions of clinical assessment program: A qualitative study in a PBL curriculum






Summative assessment

Codes on the effect of summative assessment on students' learning

Provoking anxiety; stressful; sporadic reading; has no role; a waste of time; unfair; summative is mandatory and summative is fair


Formative assessment

Codes on the effect of formative assessment on students' learning. Codes on the role of educational culture in students' learning and teachers' assessments

Improve students' learning; affected by culture; time consuming; should not be overdone; fair; learning strategy improvement and problem identification. Formative assessment affected by culture; changing educational culture


Clinical attachment assessment (continuous assessment)

Codes on the effect of continuous assessment and its weight on students' learning

Should be given more weight; fair



Codes on the effect of objective-directed assessment and constructive alignment on students' learning

Heavy; fair; content coverage; blueprinting; assessment weight