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Figure 4 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 4

From: Purification and characterization of a serine protease (CESP) from mature coconut endosperm

Figure 4

Analysis of the CESP during purification by western blot with the antisera against the 26.7 kDa and 41.6 kDa polypeptide. Comparison of the western blot analysis of the purified CESP with SDS/PAGE zymogram: SDS-PAGE was carried out on gelatin-containing polyacrylamide gel (12%) and the gel was cut into two pieces, one was used for zymogram analysis (A). And the other part was electro-transfered to NC membrane. After transfer one part of the membrane was anlysed by western blot with antisera against 26.7 kDa CESP2 (B) and the other part with antisera against 41.6 kDa CESP1 polypeptide (C). Lanes: 1, Crude extract 2, gel filtration fraction and 3, purified CESP.

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