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Table 2 Collated summary of the correspondence of DFL patterns with neurological condition in the Cervical region

From: Possible detection of cervical spondylotic neuropathy using Distribution of F-latency (DFL), a new neurophysiological parameter

DFL pattern

No. of nerves

Clinical condition


Single Peak


All claimed normal

Single peak likely to represent normalcy

Double Peak


Diagnosed CS

Double peak likely to represent CS. Single case with pain possibly has CS

As above


Pain in shoulder, not yet gone for medical investigation

As above

Broad Peak



With single peak of DFL on opposite side

Cases with CS on one side are more likely to develop CS on the opposite side as well. Broad peak (plateau) may be an early indicator of CS.

As above


With double peak of DFL on opposite side, 4 with diagnosed CS, one with Pain in shoulder

As above