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Table 1 Effect of brain mitochondria (BM) and liver mitochondria (LM) on rate of peroxidation of unbound UCB by HRP (Kp)

From: Effect of bilirubin on cytochrome c oxidase activity of mitochondria from mouse brain and liver





vs control ( p )

Control a(n = 22)

0.406 ± 0.01


BM b(n = 15)

0.399 ± 0.02


LM c(n = 16)

0.699 ± 0.03

< 0.001

  1. Kp was determined by method described in [23], to measure the coupled constant rate of bilirubin oxidation by HRP. aControl, no mitochondria; bBM, mouse brain mitochondria; cLM, mouse liver mitochondria.