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Table 3 Attitudes relating to provision of email addresses to patients.

From: Providing cell phone numbers and email addresses to Patients: the physician's perspective


N (%)

Do you give your email address to patients?


To none

62 (51.7)

To a small portion of them

55 (45.8)

To all those who are interested

3 (2.5)

What is your attitude towards providing your work email address to patients?


Not prepared to provide it

52 (43.3)

Prepared, but only in special cases

45 (37.5)

Prepared, but only to some of my patients

15 (12.5)

Prepared to give it to all patients

4 (3.3)

Prepared even though I think it is unnecessary/I don't use email/it's dangerous and could lead to hacking

4 (3.3)

At what times would you agree to answer emails from your patients?


Only at pre-determined times

13 (19.1%)

At most times (other than weekends and holidays

49 (72.1%)

At all times including weekends and holidays

2 (2.9%)

When I can

4 (5.9%)

What might make you more amenable to providing your cell phone number to patients? (More than one answer possible)


Extra pay for the service

53 (44.2%)

Allotment of time during work to answer emails

84 (70.0%)

Patients are told that there will be a low availability rate

1 (0.8%)