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Figure 4 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 4

From: Conserved requirement for DEAD-box RNA helicase Gemin3 in Drosophila oogenesis

Figure 4

Histone locus, Cajal and U bodies in gemin3 mutant germline clones. (A, B) On staining for histone locus body marker Lsm11 (a component of the U7 snRNP), histone locus bodies were dispersed in multiple discrete loci throughout the wild type nurse cell nuclei. In contrast, in gemin3R mutant nuclei, histone locus bodies appear as single aggregates attached to the condensed chromatin. Note that due to the 3D nature of the nucleus and the single sections demonstrated here, the gemin3R mutant histone locus body aggregates sometimes appear as multiple foci, which in reality are a single structure. (C, D) Wild type polyploid nurse cell nuclei display several small coilin-rich Cajal bodies. In the majority of gemin3R mutant egg chambers, this staining pattern is absent though coilin adopts a diffuse nuclear stain. Note that although coilin foci were absent in mutant nurse cell nuclei, they can still be detected in wild type follicle cells (arrow) that envelop the mutant egg chamber, thus highlighting successful immunostaining. (E, F) TMG-stained snRNPs are concentrated in discrete spherical structures (U bodies) within the cytoplasm of wild type egg chambers. In contrast, snRNP distribution is diffuse and exhibits nuclear predominance in gemin3R germline clones.

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