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Table 1 Description of measures

From: The prevalence and determinants of sexual violence against young married women by husbands in rural Nepal




Household and individual level

Age of women at time of survey


Completed age of woman at the time of survey in years

Age of woman at marriage

1 = Under 15 years

Age of woman at marriage in years

2 = 15–17 years

3 = 18 and over

Type of marriage

1 = Love marriage

Self-reported. A love marriage is a marriage in which participant and her husband decided themselves to get married.

2 = Arranged marriage

An arranged marriage is one in which family members decided that the couple would get married.

Sex composition of the child

0 = No child

Sex composition of the living child

1 = At least one son

2 = Only daughter


1 = Brahmin/Chhetri

Caste/Ethnicity of the woman

2 = Tamang

3 = Tharu

4 = Muslims

Woman’s education

0 = Illiterate/never been to school

Number of years of education completed by the women

1 = Literate up to 8 class/NFE

2 = Secondary

3 = Higher secondary and above

Women’s occupation

1 = Do not earn/housewife

Occupation of the woman at the time of survey

2 = Agriculture/daily wage/livestock

3 = Other employment/small business

Membership in community groups

0 = No

Membership of a community group

1 = Yes

Current age of husband

1 = 15–24 years

Completed age of husband at the time of survey

2 = 25–34 years

3 = 35 and above years

Husband’s level of education

0 = Illiterate/never been to school

Number of years of education completed by the women’s husband

1 = Literate up to 8 class/NFE, 2 = Secondary

3 = Higher secondary and above

Husband’s occupation

1 = Unemployed

Occupation of the woman’s husband at the time of survey

2 = Agriculture

3 = Daily wage labor

4 = Service

5 = Foreign employment

6 = Business

Husband’s alcohol consumption

1 = Often

Frequency of alcohol consumption of husband


2 = Sometimes


3 = Never/rarely