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Table 1 Final dispositions for all households in each group

From: The use of incentives in vulnerable populations for a telephone survey: a randomized controlled trial

Final Disposition

Number of Households in Incentive Group (%) n=364

Number of Households in Non-Incentive Group (%) n=364

Between Group Difference (95% Confidence Interval)

Completed Interviews

100 (27.5%)

78 (21.4%)

6.0% (−0.2%, 12.3%)

Language Problem 1

29 (8.0%)

26 (7.1%)

0.8% (−3.0%, 4.7%)

Partial Interview 2

5 (1.4%)

6 (1.6%)

−0.3% (−2.0%, 1.5%)

Problem With Number 3

38 (10.4%)

45 (12.4%)

−1.9% (−6.5%, 2.7%)

Non Contact 4

53 (14.6%)

59 (16.2%)

−1.6% (−6.9%, 3.6%)

Abbreviated Questionnaire 5

26 (7.1%)

27 (7.4%)

−0.3% (−4.0%, 3.5%)


93 (25.5%)

102 (28.0%)

−2.5% (−8.9%, 4.0%)

Wrong Address 6

17 (4.7%)

18 (4.9%)

−0.3% (−3.4%, 2.8%)

No Qualified Sample 7

3 (0.8%)

3 (0.8%)

0.0 (−1.3, 1.3)

  1. 1 Language problem refers to a respondent who was not fluent in French or English and could therefore not complete the survey.
  2. 2 Partial interview refers to a respondent who, after beginning the interview, could not finish the entire survey. Partially interviewed subjects all needed to confirm that the given information could be used in research analysis.
  3. 3 Problem with number refers to numbers which were out of service, fax machine numbers or business telephone numbers.
  4. 4 Non-Contact refers to respondents who were never reached.
  5. 5 Abbreviated questionnaire refers to respondents who refused to complete the full interview but who agreed to answer a short series of condensed questions. The abbreviated questionnaire asked if anyone in the household had a food allergy and if the answer was yes, a short series of demographic questions were asked.
  6. 6 Wrong address refers to letters which were returned due to a wrong address; these households were therefore never contacted.
  7. 7 No qualified sample refers to households where no eligible participants resided.