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Table 1 Outcome variables, questions, and responses

From: Simple neck pain questions used in surveys, evaluated in relation to health outcomes: a cohort study






Aspects of health

Perceived stress

How do you rate your general state of health?

Very good, pretty good, neither good nor poor, pretty poor, poor

Very good health: 1 = Very good health


0 = Pretty good health or less


Sleep disturbance

During the past 6 months, have you been bothered by:

Never, Once/a few times per year, Once/a few times per month, Several times/week, Every day

Sleep disturbance: Variables based on Keklund and Akerstedt’s work [28] were combined into one variable based on the mean of the four items, rescaled to a 0–10 scale, were 0 is a low level of sleep disturbance and 10 is a high level of sleep disturbance.


– difficulties falling asleep?


– repeated awakenings with difficulties going back to sleep?


– not being thoroughly rested at awakening?


– feeling tired/sleepy during studies or leisure time?


Stress (Mood)

How have you felt during studies/work in the past 7 days?

Not at all, Almost, A bit, Quite, Very, Extremely

Based on the Mood scale [29]. Low stress or energy = 1 and high stress or energy = 6.


– rested


– tense


– stressed


– relaxed


– pressured


– calm


Energy (Mood)

How have you felt during studies/work in the past 7 days?

Not at all, Almost, A bit, Quite, Very, Extremely


– active


– listless


– energetic


– ineffective


– alert


– passive


General performance

Decreased general performance

Have pain/aches in the muscles/joints affected your performance in general during the last month?

Yes, No

1 = yes


0 = no

  1. Variable names written in bold are the variables used in the analyses.