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Table 3 Example quotes for qualitative themes

From: Adherence to isoniazid preventive therapy in Indonesian children: A quantitative and qualitative investigation


Respondent type

Respondent characteristics



Good adherence

Mother 30 yrs

Even though I have to buy it (medication) myself, it won't cost me too much because the medicine alone is 20,000 Rp It doesn't cost much.... the fare costs more than the medicine.

Medication-related barriers

Good adherence

Mother 30 yrs

It doesn't happen with my kid. Whenever I tell her to take the medicine she does. But I don't know if I only gave her the powder without mixing it so she doesn't taste the bitterness. I worry she wouldn't take it if she knows it was bitter


Poor adherence

Mother 32 yrs

He became whiny, must be held by two people. I held him and my sister pushed medicine into his mouth.

Disease and health service experience

Good adherence

Mother 30 yrs

I also felt the benefits of the therapy.... I had constant coughing for 2 months and then it stopped after medication


Poor adherence

Mother 30 yrs

Because I was afraid she's (nurse) going to be angry with me. I was afraid she would think I didn't prioritize it.


Poor adherence

Mother 41 yrs

The nurses there didn't tell (the child's) parents that the therapy must be done for 6 months. (The child's) father assumed due to a negative result (TST) the therapy didn't need to be continued

Knowledge and beliefs

Good adherence

Mother 26 yrs

I just wanted (my child) to start therapy immediately because I wanted (my child) to be healthy quickly... So I can stop being worried that something bad would happen to (my child) because there's already preventive medication so I feel secure


Poor adherence

Mother 42 yrs

I didn't have much time, I had to go here and there... I wasn't concentrating on that (IPT) because I thought (the child) was healthy anyway