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Figure 10 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 10

From: Mathematical modeling and comparison of protein size distribution in different plant, animal, fungal and microbial species reveals a negative correlation between protein size and protein number, thus providing insight into the evolution of proteomes

Figure 10

Fitting to theoretical distributions. Protein length distributions for 12 typical genomes: Archea (Archaeoglobus profundus ARC_PRO), Bacteria (Bacillus subtilis BAC_SUB), Eumetozoa (Equus caballus EQU_CAB, Monodelphis domestica MON_DOM), Fungi (Trichoderma reesei TRI_REE, Phanerochaete chrysosporium PHA_CHR) and Viridiplantae (Ostreococcus tauri OST_TAU, Micromonas CCMP1545 MIC_CCM, Oryza sativa ORY_SAT, Arabidopsis thaliana ARA_THA, Zea mays ZEA_MAY, Glycine max GLY_MAX). The continuous line represents the log-normal fitted model (the corresponding estimated parameters appear in Additional file 1: Table S3) the dots represents the relative frequency counts for the observed data in bins of 10 aa.

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