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Figure 3 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 3

From: Local dynamic stability as a responsive index for the evaluation of rehabilitation effect on fall risk in patients with multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study

Figure 3

Effect sizes with 95% confidence intervals. The changes from the start to the end of the rehabilitation (difference = end minus start) was standardized by SD (unbiased effect size, Hedges’s g). Negative effect sizes were mirrored to the right (positive) side and plotted with intermittent red lines to allow better comparison between absolute effect sizes. Variables for which a higher value (positive effect size) would indicate a worse outcome are: Spasticity, Pain, Fatigue, 10-meter walking time, and local dynamic stability (LDS). Variables for which a lower value (negative effect sizes) would indicate a worse outcome are: Well-Being, Rivermead, Berg Balance Scale, 3-minute walking distance and step frequency. Bold lines indicate gait related variables.

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