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Table 1 Summary of key themes raised in stakeholder interviews

From: How useful are child death reviews: a local area’s perspective


Typical response

Information gathering


Problems with form B*: gaps in its completion, needs to be simpler

‘Duplication on Form Bs from different agencies’, ‘only new information should be added by each agency’

Timeline for form B completion issued

‘A national time span for Form B completion should be implemented’

Better liaison with the coroner regarding post-mortem information

‘Representative of coroner should be present at CDOP’

Incorporate rapid response, Serious Case Review meetings, Serious Incident (SI), Mortality and Morbidity (MM) hospital findings better into information gathering system

‘Parallel processes that don’t necessarily converge at CDOP’

Better approach to neonatal deaths, especially eliciting additional maternal information

‘Shift in services to focus more on neonatal and maternal factors’,

CDOP Meeting


Quality assure forms prior to the CDOP meeting

“Improve the quality of information for panel members to review prior to CDOP discussion”

Information shared with members prior to Panel meeting

‘Seeing the information beforehand would streamline the CDOP meetings, less questions would be asked’

Triage system for some cases that do not need to come to CDOP with particular concern about extremely premature deaths

‘Separate under 1 years old’ ‘focus on multi-agency cases’, ‘screen out expected deaths’

Less delay in completing cases

‘Delay in CDOP completion of case risks losing the meaning of the case’

Terminology used is difficult to interpret

‘Categorisation as expected and unexpected differs between different professions’, ‘huge discrepancy between what is termed modifiable and non-modifiable’

More public health specialist involvement and leadership

‘Health lead instead of safeguarding lead’

Lessons learnt


More required to implement lessons learnt

‘Unclear of how lessons learnt are followed up’, ‘feedback given but not in an auditable fashion’

Regular update seminars on lessons learnt

‘Regular update seminars with designated people from each agency’

Better sharing of lessons learnt between CDOPs nationally

‘Need to pull information together’, ‘feel like we are working in isolation’

Process as a whole


Death review process is still developmental

‘A work in progress’

Good multi-agency review of child deaths

‘Good multi-agency review’, ‘the only multi-agency review’, ‘allows access to all information’, ‘encourages to think outside the box’

Greater commitment and awareness of Child Death Review Process needed

‘Feels like an add-on’, ‘often not a high-priority’, ‘more ownership from agencies’

Time and resource consuming

‘Labour intensive’, ‘big time commitment for already busy people’

  1. Key: * form B – the nationally prescribed data collection form for cases, sent out to all relevant agencies to complete by CDOP administration.