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Table 3 Goals of learning about MBE

From: Establishing the need and identifying goals for a curriculum in medical business ethics: a survey of students and residents at two medical centers in Missouri

Item: An education in medical business ethics is important insofar as it helps physicians to meet the following goals:

MS mean (SD)

PG mean (SD)


To avoid legal problems (e.g., avoid Medicare fraud).

1.83 (.75)

1.87 (.74)


To prioritize patients’ best interests over the financial interests of others (such as 3rd party payers, industry, or physician practices).

1.71 (.79)

1.82 (.83)


To foster the common good by being good stewards of limited healthcare dollars.

1.93 (.81)

1.97 (.86)


To achieve their own financial goals as physicians without violating the law or rules for professionalism.

2.10 (.84)

2.12 (.83)


  1. Responses used a 5-point Likert-type scale from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree).
  2. * = p < .05 MS n = 732, PG n = 380.