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Figure 7 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 7

From: Kinase domain-targeted isolation of defense-related receptor-like kinases (RLK/Pelle) in Platanus × acerifolia: phylogenetic and structural analysis

Figure 7

Kinase domain sub-regions in the LRR XII-L of Pac show signatures of relaxed purifying selection. Ka/Ks calculation was based on a sliding-window analysis (windows 75 bp, step 15 bp). With regard to the clades of Pac, refer to Figure 2. The Arabidopsis LRR XII and the CrRLK1L(−L) of Pac, were included in the analysis for comparison and control respectively. The results are shown as average Ka/Ks ratios per window. Vertical bars indicate standard errors of the mean. For each group a representative sequence is shown below in order to map in a frame the windows with the highest Ka/Ks values (arrows in the graphs). The sequences are aligned. Invariant residues of kinases are shaded black. Roman numerals under the alignment identify the beginning of the kinase subdomain motifs and the arrows define the end (see [106]). The asterisks indicate the windows in which Ka/Ks values are significantly higher than those of the corresponding windows of Arabidopsis (Wilcoxon- test pvalue < 0.0001 and fold increase >2). The table reports the fold change increase in the average Ka/Ks values of each sequence group in evidently relaxed windows (w) compared to those with the lowest values. All the comparisons, except for w.1 vs w.5 in Arabidopsis, were significant with our stringent criteria.

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