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Table 2 NAFLD activity scoring system according to Kleiner et al

From: Prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in four different weight related patient groups: association with small bowel length and risk factors

NAFLD Activity Score (NAS) (0–8)

 Sum of scores for steatosis, lobular inflammation and hepatocellular ballooning

 ≥5 probable or definite NASH

 3–4 uncertain NASH

 ≤2 no NASH

Steatosis (0–3)

Lobular inflammation (0–3)

Hepatocyte ballooning (0–2)

 0: 5% hepatocytes involved

 0: none

 0: none

 1: 5–33% of hepatocytes involved

 1: <2 foci per × 200 field

 1: few ballooned cells

 2: 33–66% hepatocytes involved

 2: 2–4 foci per × 200 field

 2: many cells/prominent ballooning

 3: >66% hepatocytes involved

 3: >4 foci per × 200 field


Correlation between total NAFLD activity scores and an overall histological diagnosis of steatohepatitis

 NAFLD activity score and histological diagnosis of steatohepatitis

 ≥5 probable or definite NASH

 3–4 uncertain NASH

 ≤2 no NASH