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Table 2 Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) for placental abruption in relation to categories of placental mitochondrial DNA copy number

From: Placental mitochondrial DNA content and placental abruption: a pilot study

Placental mitochondrial DNA copy number

Placental abruption cases (N = 103)

Controls (N = 102)

Adjusted ORa (95 %CI)

Quartile 1 (<86.5)

22 (21.4)

26 (25.5)

1.00 (reference)

Quartile 2 (86.5–120.4)

17 (16.5)

25 (24.5)

0.72 (0.22–2.35)

Quartile 3 (120.5–191.4)

27 (26.2)

25 (24.5)

1.91 (0.66–5.52)

Quartile 4 (≥191.5)

37 (35.9)

26 (25.5)

2.15 (0.74–6.21)

P-value for linear trend



 <Median (<120.5)

39 (37.9)

51 (50.0)

1.00 (reference)

 ≥Median (≥120.5)

64 (62.1)

51 (50.0)

2.38 (1.11–5.08)

  1. aAdjusted for maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, employed during pregnancy and gestational age at delivery