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Table 5 Students’ previous encounter of academically dishonest behaviour among their colleagues and subsequent actions taken

From: Academic dishonesty in higher education: students’ perceptions and involvement in an African institution


Answer options

No. of respondents (%)

Mean rating (SD)

1. How often have you seen another student cheat during class test or examination?


78 (59.54)

1.55 (0.74)


33 (25.19)

More than once

19 (14.50)

Prefer not to say

1 (0.79)

2. Have you ever reported your colleague for cheating?


6 (4.58)

1.96 (0.23)


123 (93.89)

Prefer not to say

2 (1.53)

  1. aResponses were taken on a four- or three-point Likert scale (questions 1 and 2 respectively)