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Table 2 Distribution of agreement levels of 519 respondents according to gender as per the statement ‘diagnosing HIV is part of a dentists’ job

From: Assessing patients’ attitudes to opt-out HIV rapid screening in community dental clinics: a cross-sectional Canadian experience


SA (n = 268 %)

A (n = 176 %)

D (n = 62 %)

SD (n = 13 %)

P valuea

HIV screening is part of dental care

 Male (n = 270)

176 (65.6)

124 (70.4)

41 (66.2)

11 (84.6)


 Female (n = 128)

92 (34.4)

52 (29.6)

21 (33.8)

2 (15.4)

  1. SA strongly agree, A agree, D disagree, SD strongly disagree
  2. a P value corresponds to the test of liner trend for categorical data using the Cochran-Mantel–Haenszel Chi square test