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Table 3 Mean values and standard deviations (in brackets) upon admission and at discharge [2]

From: Criterion validity and sensitivity to change of the Early Rehabilitation Index (ERI): results from a German multi-center study




p value*

Barthel Index (BI) [0 to 100]

8.5 (11.3)

25.0 (22.8)


Early Rehabilitation Index (ERI) [−325 to 0]

−112.5 (85.0)

−55.1 (66.1)


Coma Remission Scale (CRS) [0 to 24]

18.3 (7.4)

19.9 (7.4)


Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) [3 to 15]

11.7 (3.6)

12.7 (3.8)


  1. * Wilcoxon test