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Table 4 FGD to assess the impact of Schisto and Ladders™ on KAP of intervention and control group

From: Development and testing of Schisto and Ladders™, an innovative health educational game for control of schistosomiasis in schoolchildren


Question asked to kick start discussion during FGDs

Intervention group

Control group


Means of transmission of S. haematobium

What activities can make Schistosoma bite a player in Schisto and Ladders™ game?

Nine out of the 10 pupils involved in the FGD mentioned at least one of playing, fishing, bathing, fetching water and washing clothes in dam water as activity that will make Schistosoma bite a player

Only 4 pupils from the group could correctly state an activity related to Schistosoma bite with one boy that said all of fetching, washing and fishing in dam water which he said he learnt from his sister in the intervention group


How to avoid getting infected with S. haematobium

What activities promote access up the ladder in Schisto and Ladders™ game

Most of the pupils mentioned activities such as fetching water from a tap and using a toilet as activities that will make one go up the ladder

No pupil in the control group could give a correct response


Symptoms of S. haematobium infection

What are the symptoms that show schistosomiasis infection

All the pupils could relate schistosomiasis infection with the presence of blood in urine, which they referred to as blood in piss and blood in shit as seen in the game played

No pupil in the control group gave a correct response


Intermediate host for S. haematobium worm

What animal is associated with schistosomiasis

The majority of the children could link Schistosomiasis infection to water snails that were seen by the dam water banks in the Schisto and Ladders™ game while two of them linked it to goat and dog

None of the pupils could link, snail with schistosomiasis infection


The most appropriate place to defecate

Where is it appropriate to defecate

All the pupils responded that a toilet should be used for defecating

There was no response from the pupils in this group


Measure to be taken when blood is seen in the urine

What would you do when blood is observed in the urine

All the pupils responded that when blood is seen in the urine, the sufferer should go to the hospital

None of the pupils had an idea about what to do when blood is seen in the urine


Acceptability of the administered game

Participants were asked during the FGDs on their perception of the game they played

When a suggestion was made by the facilitator for a swap of Schisto and Ladders™ game with Snake and Ladder game, the pupils in the intervention group disagreed with a loud NO. A girl said it (snake and ladder) does not have words in it. They preferred Schisto and Ladders™ because it had words written on it which helped them in learning

The pupils in control group all wanted a swap of the Snake and Ladder game with the Schisto and Ladders™ game because it does not have a word in it except a boy who could not give a reason while he preferred the Snake and Ladder game. Those in the control group complained that the Snake and Ladder game had nothing written on it, so they did not learn anything from it