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Table 1 Questions asked to different categories of study participants and data collection methods used

From: Perceptions of human papillomavirus vaccination of adolescent schoolgirls in western Uganda and their implications for acceptability of HPV vaccination: a qualitative study


Study participant and data collection method

Schoolgirl (FGD)

Parent/guardian (FGD)

Health worker, teacher and community leader (KII)

What do you think the people understood to be the benefit of the HPV vaccination? (E.g. protection against HPV/cervical cancer, HIV, other STIs)




How would you describe the initial reaction of the community to introduction of the HPV vaccine?



What fears about HPV vaccine have you heard about in the schools or community? (I.e. fears among parents, fears among girls)




What fears about vaccines in general have you heard in the schools or community?




How do you think the fears about the vaccine affected its acceptance?




What complaints did you hear of concerning the HPV vaccine? (I.e. complaints by parents, complaints by girls)




How do you think the complaints about the vaccine affected its acceptance?




What unfounded rumors or misinformation have you heard about the vaccine?



How do you think the rumors or misinformation influenced the behaviour and attitudes of adolescent girls about the vaccine?



How do you think the rumor or misinformation influenced the behaviour and attitudes of parents about the vaccine?



To what extent were girls willing to be vaccinated against HPV?



What do you think made the girls willing to be vaccinated?



What do you think made some girls not willing to be vaccinated?



To what extent were parents willing that their daughters be vaccinated?




What do you think made the parents willing that their daughters be vaccinated?




What do you think made some parents not willing for their daughters to be vaccinated?




If there is vaccination against HPV in future, would you be willing for your own daughters to be vaccinated? (Probe why YES and why NO)




Why would you be willing for your daughters to be vaccinated against HPV?




Why would you be not willing for your daughters to be vaccinated against HPV?




Would you advise your friend to get the vaccination if there is vaccination against HPV in future (Probe why YES and why NO)



If there is vaccination against HPV in future, would you (and your fellow health workers, teachers, and community leaders) encourage and support young girls to be vaccinated?



Why would you encourage and support young girls to be vaccinated?



Why wouldn’t you encourage and support young girls to be vaccinated?



How do you think the perceptions about protection offered by the vaccine affects behaviour of the girls who receive the vaccine now and in future?

