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Table 1 Stakeholders in the issue of antimicrobial use and resistance in the Canadian food chain

From: Identifying non-traditional stakeholders with whom to engage, when mitigating antimicrobial resistance in foodborne pathogens (Canada)


Traditionally engaged by public health organizations in the issue of AMR in the food chain?




Federal Agriculture, Food, Health, and Trade Ministries

Provincial Ministries of Agriculture, Health/Public Health

Animal and Human Health Organizations

Animal Industry Organizations

Vet/Human Medical Associations

Codex Alimentarius Commission

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)

World Health Organization (WHO)

Drug Manufacturers (R&D, marketing)

Consumers, consumer advocacy groups

Political organizations

Urban, municipal planners


Farmers, veterinarians

Nutrition, food security experts

Farm, international market economists

The public

Educators, parents

Health communication, program evaluation experts


Animal, human welfare advocates

Academia, network/systems experts

Political strategists, lobbyists


Futurists, social innovators

Environmentalists, urban agriculture workers