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Table 1 Overview of data files/data sets

From: Hereditary hearing loss SNP-microarray pilot study


Name of data file/data set

File types (file extension)

Data repository and identifier (DOI or accession number)

Data set 1

Infinium HumanOmni1-Quad v1.0 SNP-microarray data

This dataset contains the raw intensity data files (Grn.idat and Red.idat) of each patient, as well as Matrix Signal Intensities (.txt) and Matrix Processed data (.txt)

NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus

Data series accession: GSE111131

Data identifiers:

GSM3022603, GSM3022604, GSM3022605, GSM3022606, GSM3022607, GSM3022608, GSM3022609, GSM3022610, GSM3022611, GSM3022612, GSM3022613, GSM3022614, GSM3022615, GSM3022616, GSM3022617, GSM3022618, GSM3022619, GSM3022620, GSM3022621, GSM3022622, GSM3022623, GSM3022624, GSM3022625, GSM3022626, GSM3022627, GSM3022628, GSM3022629, GSM3022630, GSM3022631, GSM3022632, GSM3022633, GSM3022634, GSM3022635, GSM3022636, GSM3022637, GSM3022638, GSM3022639, GSM3022640, GSM3022641, GSM3022642, GSM3022643, GSM3022644, GSM3022645, GSM3022646, GSM3022647, GSM3022648, GSM3022649, GSM3022650, GSM3022651, GSM3022652, GSM3022653, GSM3022654, GSM3022655, GSM3022656, GSM3022657, GSM3022658, GSM3022659, GSM3022660, GSM3022661, GSM3022662, GSM3022663, GSM3022664, GSM3022665, GSM3022666, GSM3022667, GSM3022668, GSM3022669, GSM3022670, GSM3022671, GSM3022672, GSM3022673, GSM3022674, GSM3022675, GSM3022676, GSM3022677, GSM3022678, GSM3022680, GSM3022681, GSM3022682, GSM3022683, GSM3022684, GSM3022685, GSM3022686, GSM3022687, GSM3022688, GSM3022689, GSM3022690, GSM3022691, GSM3022692, GSM3022693, GSM3022694, GSM3022695, GSM3022696, GSM3022697, GSM3022698, GSM3022699, GSM3022700, GSM3022701, GSM3022702, GSM3022703, GSM3022704, GSM3022705, GSM3022706, GSM3022707, GSM3022708, GSM3022709, GSM3022710, GSM3022711



Data file 1

Data file 1: clinical overview

Details: this table provides an overview of the audiological and clinical characteristics of each anonymized patient, as well as patient population background and familial relationships, if present

This file is available as an excel (.xls) table

NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus

Data series accession: GSE111131

Data identifier: GSE111131_Data_file_1.xls.gz

Data file 2

Data file 2: sample sheet all

Details: this table contains the sample sheet that includes the patient sex and anonymized ID with the beadchip position and barcode information and parental relationships, if present

This file is available as a comma separated variables (.csv) table

NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus

Data series accession: GSE111131

Data identifier: GSE111131_Data_file_2.csv.gz