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Table 1 Students' demographic characteristics and parents’ careers and education levels

From: Changes in hepatitis A virus (HAV) seroprevalence in medical students in Bangkok, Thailand, from 1981 to 2016


Mean ± SD or N (%)

Data from all students (n = 176)

 Age (years)

19.07 ± 0.59

 Gender, female

88 (50)



115 (65.3)


11 (6.3)


31 (17.6)


4 (2.3)


15 (8.5)

Data from HAV vaccination records (n = 66 records available)

 Received two injections (complete series)

40 (60.6)

 Received one injection

3 (4.5)

 Did not receive injections

23 (34.8)

Data from questionnaires (n = 126 questionnaires returned)

 Father’s career



53 (42.1)


31 (24.6)


18 (14.3)


9 (7.1)


6 (4.8)


3 (2.4)


2 (1.6)


5 (4.0)


1 (0.8)


1 (0.8)

 Mother’s career


42 (33.4)


22 (17.4)


30 (23.8)


4 (3.2)


8 (6.3)


2 (1.6)


1 (0.8)


2 (1.6)


11 (8.7)


1 (0.8)

 Salary (USD/month)

  Father’s (n = 101)


  Mother’s (n = 81)


 Father’s education

  Grade 1–6

4 (3.2)

  Grade 7–12

5 (3.9)

  Vocation certificate

1 (0.7)

  Vocation diploma

1 (0.7)

  Bachelor’s degree

80 (63.5)

  Master’s degree

36 (25.6)

  Ph.D. degree

4 (3.2)


5 (3.9)

 Mother’s education


  Grade 1–6

3 (2.5)

  Grade 7–12

5 (3.9)

  Vocation certificate

1 (0.7)

  Vocation diploma

2 (1.5)

  Bachelor’s degree

82 (65.1)

  Master’s degree

34 (26.9)

  Ph.D. degree

3 (2.5)


6 (5.1)