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Fig. 1 | BMC Research Notes

Fig. 1

From: Associations of children’s Big Five personality with eating behaviors

Fig. 1

Multivariate associations between personality factors and eating behaviors in children. General linear model. Numbers in the table are standardized betas; betas ≥ 0.065 are significant at P ≤ 0.05. Effects of age are not presented. The independent variables (age, personality factors) are mutually adjusted; likewise, the dependent variables are mutually adjusted. The multivariate summarized partial coefficients for the associations of single personality factors across eating styles are: Extraversion; F = 2.948, P = 0.005, partial η2= 0.01; agreeableness; F = 7.297, P = 0.000, partial η2= 0.03; conscientiousness; F = 5.972, P = 0.000, partial η2= 0.03; neuroticism; F = 20.674, P = 0.000, η2= 0.09; imagination; F = 3.786, P = 0.000, partial η2= 0.02. Total effects of personality on eating behaviors: partial η2 = 0.178, i.e. 17.8% of the variance

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