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Table 2 Correlation co-efficient analysis of dairy cattle colostrum samples using various physico-chemical parameters

From: Quantitative assessment of German Holstein dairy cattle colostrum and impact of thermal treatment on quality of colostrum viscosity and immunoglobulins


IgG concentration

Viscosity of first colostrum

mg mL−1





Fat %

r = 0.242

p = 0.133

r = 0.099

p = 0.543

r = 0.081

p = 0.619

rs= -203

p = 0.210

r = 0.237

p = 0.140

mg mL−1

r = 0.894

p = 0.001

r = 0.887

p = 0.001

rs= 0.896

p = 0.001

r = 0.575

p = 0.001



r = 0.991

p = 0.001

rs= 0.841

p = 0.001

r = 0.742

p = 0.001



rs= 0.839

p = 0.001

r = 0.772

p = 0.001

Visual viscosity of first colostrum


rs= 0.634

p = 0.001

  1. §Logarithmic values; p value: < 0.05 considered significant; r: correlation coefficient; rs: Spearman’s rank-order correlation