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Table 2 Frequency distribution of nurses’ practice score about pressure ulcer prevention in public hospitals in central zone Tigray, 2018 (N = 122)

From: Practice on pressure ulcer prevention among nurses in selected public hospitals, Tigray, Ethiopia


Practice score

Always (%)

Sometimes (%)

Never (%)

Observing how other nurses assess

64 (52.5)

50 (40.0)

8 (6.6)

Identifying PU contributing factors

72 (59.0)

42 (34.4)

8 (6.6)

Avoid dragging patients

68 (55.7)

42 (34.4)

12 (9.8)

Avoid massaging bony prominences

70 (57.4)

38 (31.1)

4 (11.5)

Performing skin assessment

57 (46.7)

52 (42.6)

13 (10.7)

Using assessment scale

44 (36.1)

68 (49.2)

10 (14.9)

Documenting all data related to PU

58 (47.5)

50 (41.0)

14 (11.5)

Assess and provide pain management

70 (57.4)

36 (29.5)

16 (13.1)

Providing skin care

60 (49.2)

49 (40.2)


Placing pillow under patient leg

66 (54.1)

47 (38.5)

9 (7.4)

Using or advancing care givers to use creams

57 (46.7)

40 (32.8)

25 (20.5)

Paying attention to pressure points

63 (46.7)

41 (32.8)

18 (20.5)

Performing lab test for nutritional assessment

58 (46.7)

38 (31.1)

27 (22.1)

Providing vitamins and foods for patient

65 (53.3)

37 (30.3)

20 (16.4)

Monitoring protein and calories diet

56 (45.9)

49 (40.2)

17 (13.9)

Using special mattress prevent PU

54 (44.3)

50 (41.0)

18 (14.8)

Turning patient every 2 h

75 (61.5)

36 (29.5)

11 (9.0)

Using air bed for patients at high risk

52 (42.6)

51 (41.8)

19 (15.6)

Attending seminars for PU prevention

41 (33.6)

58 (47.5)

23 (18.9)

Giving advice for patient or care giver

85 (69.7)

26 (21.3)

11 (9.0)