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Table 3 Motivation of medical students to develop skills in teaching and interest in implementing the PAL method

From: Perception of medical students about courses based on peer-assisted learning in five Peruvian universities


Mean (SD)a


Univ 1. b

Univ 2

Univ 3

Univ. 4

Univ 5

Motivation of the assistants to develop skills in teaching

 The session has encouraged me to practice student teaching in the future

4.10 (0.73)


4.24 (0.83)

4.00 (0.71)

4.14 (0.79)

4.29 (0.76)

3.88 (0.49)

 I think that doing peer teaching would be very beneficial for my professional development

4.34 (0.60)


4.38 (0.59)

4.38 (0.51)

4.43 (0.68)

4.29 (0.76)

4.18 (0.53)

 I would like to attend a session where teaching skills are taught

4.34 (0.66)


4.48 (0.60)

4.46 (0.52)

4.43 (0.75)

4.57 (0.53)

3.88 (0.60)

Interest in implementing the PAL method to the university curriculum

 I believe that students with teaching skills can offer a class of similar or better quality than regular teachers

4.35 (0.64)


4.48 (0.51)

4.31 (0.75)

4.43 (0.75)

4.14 (0.69)

4.24 (0.56)

 It would be useful to implement courses using this methodology in the usual curriculum to reinforce the most complicated courses

4.47 (0.53)


4.48 (0.51)

4.54 (0.52)

4.57 (0.51)

4.29 (0.76)

4.35 (0.49)

 I would agree that PAL classes are held on vacation

4.44 (0.55)


4.33 (0.66)

4.38 (0.51)

4.57 (0.51)

4.57 (0.53)

4.41 (0.51)

  1. SD Standard deviation, Univ University, PAL peer assisted learning
  2. a1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly agree
  3. bMean obtained for each of the five universities