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Table 1 Participant characteristics and health dietary assessment (n = 399)

From: Dietary assessment and patient-perspective reasons for poor adherence to diet and exercise post bariatric surgery


Mean ± SD/ n (%)

Mean age (years) ± SD

35.21 ± 10.45

Sex n (%)


178 (44.6%)


221 (55.4%)

Occupation n (%)


192 (48.1%)


33 (8.3%)


83 (20.8%)


9 (2.3%)


82 (20.6%)

Marital status n (%)


145 (36.3%)


254 (63.7%)

Living status n (%)

 Living alone

33 (8.3%)

 Living with family/other

366 (91.7%)

Income n (%)


35 (8.8%)


286 (71.7%)


78 (19.5%)

Education level n (%)


12 (3.0%)

 Less than high school

71 (17.8%)

 High school and higher education

316 (79.2%)

Mean BMI (kg/m2) ± SD

 Preoperative BMI

46.66 ± 12.74

 Current BMI

30.91 ± 6.54

Obese member in the family n (%)


272 (68.2%)


127 (31.8%)

Mean number of obese members in the family

2.42 ± 1.64

Type of surgery n (%)

 Sleeve gastrectomy

390 (97.7%)

 Mini gastric bypass

9 (2.3%)

Health dietary assessment total score n (%)


8 (2%)


341 (85.5%)


50 (12.5)

 Needs improvement

0 (0%)

Subscales of healthy eating assessment

 Overall mean of healthy foods in eating habits

3.38 ± 1.005

 Fast/fried food or packaged snacks high in fat, salt, or sugar

4.83 ± 0.490


1.51 ± 0.786


1.78 ± 0.759

 Sweetened beverages

4.28 ± 1.025

 Chips or crackers

4.63 ± 0.689

 Sweet food or desserts

4.59 ± 0.663

 Amount of added fat to food

3.97 ± 0.850

 Dairy products

1.66 ± 0.801


2.80 ± 1.572

Achieve ≥ 30 min per day of physical activity n (%)


223 (55.9%)


176 (44.1%)