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Table 1 API-20 NE characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates from India and Taiwan

From: Aeromonas species obtained from different farmed aquatic species in India and Taiwan show high phenotypic relatedness despite species diversity

  1. The bold values indicate the similarity while the red shows differences between isolates
  2. API 20 NE result: identification: (+) positive; (−) negative, full form of all the test are NO3 (potassium nitrate), TRP (l-tryptophane), GLU (d-glucose), ADH (l-arginine), URE (urea), ESC (Esculin ferric citrate), GEL (Gelatin), PNPG (4-nitrophenyl-β-d-galactopyranoside), GLU (d-glucose), ARA (l-arabinose), MNE (d-mannose), MAN (d-mannitol), NAG (N-acetyl-glucosamine), MAL (d-maltose), GNT (potassium gluconate), CAP (capric acid), ADI (adipic acid), MLT (malic acid), CIT (trisodium citrate), PAC (phenylacetic acid) and OX (oxidase test)