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Table 1 Maximum (Max) and mean values of speed and acceleration, and mean time to reach the edge of the experimental arena, measured for the post-metamorphic individuals of Salamandra salamandra analysed

From: Measuring athletic performance in post-metamorphic fire salamanders


Mean ± S.E

Max speed (cm/s)

34.21 ± 1.63

Mean speed (cm/s)

19.19 ± 0.45

Relative max speed (g/s)

0.07 ± 0.01

Relative mean speed (g/s)

0.13 ± 0.01

Max swimming force (N)

3949.81 ± 237.23

Mean swimming force (N)

1628.21 ± 125.63

Mean time to reach the edge (s)

3.68 ± 0.39