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Table 1 Overview of data files/data sets

From: Transcriptome dataset from Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom; wild type and two mutants of INDOLE-ACETIC-ACID (SlIAA9) using long-reads sequencing oxford nanopore technologies


Name of data file/data set

File types (file extension)

Data repository and identifier (DOI or accession number)

Data set 1

Raw RNA-seq reads

Fastq files (.fastq) [12]

Data file 1

Summary of raw and clean reads and transcriptome assembly

Document file (.docx) [13]

Data file 2

Venn diagram for comparison of the number of expressed genes in wild type, iaa9-3 and iaa9-5 mutants

png file (.png) [14]

Data file 3

Clustering analysis of gene abundance estimation using Heatmaps based on de novo assembled transcript

png file (.png) [15]