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Table 4 Sensitivity analyses (SA): Regression coefficients with 95% confidence intervals

From: Predictors of outcome after 6 and 12 months following anthroposophic therapy for adult outpatients with chronic disease: a secondary analysis from a prospective observational study


Main analysis

SA1: Evaluable data for all variables

SA2: 75% subsample

SA3: Remaining 25%, variables from SA2

SA4: 0-12 month improvement

SA5: Dependent variable First Symptom

1. Symptom Score at baseline (0-10)*

0.74 (0.66 to 0.81)

0.75 (0.66 to 0.83)

0.73 (0.65 to 0.81)

0.74 (0.59 to 0.90)

0.75 (0.67 to 0.83)

0.72 (0.64 to 0.79)

2. SF-36 Physical Function Scale at baseline (0-100)

0.01 (0.004 to 0.02)

0.01 (0.01 to 0.02)

0.01 (0.003 to 0.02)

0.01 (0.002 to 0.03)

0.01 (0.002 to 0.02)

0.01 (0.0003 to 0.02)

3. Education level (1-3)

0.31 (0.14 to 0.49)

0.32 (0.10 to 0.54)

0.35 (0.15 to 0.56)

0.31 (-0.06 to 0.69)

0.30 (0.11 to 0.50)

0.44 (0.22 to 0.66)

4. SF-36 General Health Item at enrolment (1-5)

-0.29 (-0.47 to -0.11

-0.26 (-0.48 to -0.05)

-0.23 (-0.43 to -0.03)

-0.63 (-1.03 to -0.23)

-0.24 (-0.44 to -0.05)

-0.23 (-0.44 to -0.01)

5. Main diagnosis J00-J99 Respiratory system**

0.77 (0.29 to 1.25)

0.68 (0.13 to 1.23)

0.76 (0.24 to 1.27)

0.65 (-0.46 to 1.77)


0.67 (0.10 to 1.25)

6. Disease duration (years)

-0.02 (-0.03 to -0.01)

-0.02 (-0.03 to -0.0005)



-0.02 (-0.03 to -0.002)


7. Main diagnosis N00-N99 Genitourinary system**

-0.63 (-1.10 to -0.16)

-0.62 (-1.18 to -0.07)




-0.72 (-1.28 to -0.16)

8. Physiotherapy in pre-study year (sessions)

-0.01 (-0.02 to -0.002)




-0.01 (-0.02 to -0.01)

-0.01 (-0.02 to -0.004)

9. Physician's therapy goal at baseline (1-6)

0.12 (0.02 to 0.22)

0.18 (0.06 to 0.30)

0.17 (0.06 to 0.28)

0.01 (-0.22 to 0.23)

0.18 (0.07 to 0.29)

0.27 (0.15 to 0.40)

10. Psychotherapy in pre-study year (sessions)


-0.01 (-0.02 to -0.004)





11. Wage earner**



0.90 (0.18 to 1.62)

-0.66 (-2.28 to 0.97)


1.04 (0.24 to 1.84)

12. Non-AM medications in month 0-6 (patient-months)





-0.03 (-0.05 to -0.01)

-0.02 (-0.04 to -0.002)

13. Main diagnosis C00-D48 Neoplasms**






0.70 (0.08 to 1.32)

  1. *SA5: First ranked symptom at enrolment. **: 0: no, 1: yes. ---: Variable not included in the model.