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Figure 3 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 3

From: Comparative analysis of four methods to extract DNA from paraffin-embedded tissues: effect on downstream molecular applications

Figure 3

SNP analysis using real time PCR. A. Two representative component plots generated after proteinase K treatment followed by EasyMAG extraction from colon tissue B and real time amplification using SNP assay rs1350138. The light grey line indicates allele 1 (VIC label), the dark grey line indicates allele 2 (FAM label). B. Mean Ct value of SNP rs2043731 and rs1350138 of the 4 materials (A, B, C and D) in JBZ 4× mastermix or ABI 2× mastermix for the different extraction methods. The +/ and -/ indicate the use of proteinase K digestion or no digestion, respectively. The different extraction methods are indicated by: heat-treatment =/-, QIAamp DNA extraction =/Q, EasyMAG DNA extraction =/EM, Gentra DNA extraction =/G.

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