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Table 2 Task performance between pathological gamblers group and control group

From: Impulsivity and pathological gambling: Is it a state or a trait problem?


PG (n= 37)

Control (n= 40)


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)



   Color-Dot (D) Accuracy (%)

99.89 (0.69)

100.00 (0.00)

   Color-Word (C) Accuracy (%)

97.63 (3.87)

96.98 (5.50)

   Color-Dot (D) Reaction Time (sec)

15.26 (9.58)

12.59 (4.37)

   Color-Word (C) Reaction Time (sec)

27.13 (10.18)

23.80 (7.50)



   Congruent Accuracy (%)

92 (0.06)

90 (0.14)

   Congruent Reaction Time (msec)

605.69 (67.66)

585.67 (84.40)

   Incongruent Accuracy (%)

80 (0.15)

83 (0.16)

   Incongruent Reaction Time (msec)

641.07 (67.13)

616.93 (83.98)

BIS-11 Total Scorea

72.90 (9.50)

61.70 (6.23)

   Attentional Keyb

19.86 (3.61)

18.05 (2.36)

   Motor Keya

22.95 (3.79)

20.25 (3.54)

   Non-Planning Keya

29.27 (5.33)

26.13 (4.23)

  1. PG = pathological gambling group; Control = control group. BIS-11 = Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Version 11; ECT = Emotional Conflict Task; Stroop = Stroop Color and Word Test; sec = seconds; msec = milliseconds.aSignificant group difference found between pathological gambling group and control group by ANCOVA, P < 0.01.bSignificant group difference found between pathological gambling group and control group by ANCOVA, P < 0.05.