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Table 2 Functions and membership of HPC:BAEW governance groups

From: Community-based interventions for obesity prevention: lessons learned by Australian policy-makers


Local project teams/governance structures

Project Advisory Group

Project Board

Expert Reference Group


To bring together the members of the community that will implement the strategies.

To ensure the program objectives of the initiatives are being met

To review action plans, budgets, evaluation and communication plans

To ensure linkages both across initiatives and with other Victorian activity that promotes physical activity and healthy eating

To provide feedback and share best practice

Capacity Building: sharing resources & strategies for projects/local participants

Recommendation for sign-off by DH and DPCD of project action plans, evaluation plans, communication strategies etc

Decision-making regarding funding, project direction, reporting

To plan project publications and communications

To provide input into guiding implementation and evaluation of the demonstration projects with a view to shaping the lessons learned from the projects (knowledge transfer and exchange)

Capture and dissemination of project findings

Higher-level problem-solving


Key local stakeholders including PCP and LGA representation

Project managers, DH, DPCD, state-wide evaluator

DH, DPCD, Project manager representative, PCP representative, ACCHO representative-Executive level group

DH, DPCD, DEECD, 2 × university-based experts in community-based obesity prevention-Executive level group

  1. Abbreviations
  2. ACCHO Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisation, DEECD Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, DH Department of Health, DPCD Department of Planning & Community Development, LGA Local Government Area, PCP Primary Care Partnership