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Figure 1 | BMC Research Notes

Figure 1

From: Antisense sequencing improves the accuracy and precision of A-to-I editing measurements using the peak height ratio method

Figure 1

Electropherograms of a sample containing a 1:1 mixture of clones that are edited and unedited. Electropherograms representing 1:1 ratios of edited and unedited transcripts sequenced with A) Dα6IR2 (antisense) or B) Dα6285F (sense) primers. Numbers above peaks indicate editing sites based on the nucleotide numbering of the open reading frame of Dα6. Note that Dα6IR2 is an antisense primer so the sequence of A-to-I editing sites is in reverse. Antisense sequencing with Dα6IR2 generates editing sites as a mix of C/T signals, whereas sense sequencing with Dα6285F generates editing sites as a mix of A/G signals.

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