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Table 3 Macrosomia (Birth weight > 4000 g) among women with GDM compared to those without GDM

From: Gestational diabetes and macrosomia by race/ethnicity in Hawaii


GDM N (%)

No GDM N (%)

Bivariate OR

Maternal ethnicity


136 (14.5)

1458 (12.5)

1.19 (0.48-2.96)

Hawaiian/Pacific Islandera

280 (11.4)

1397 (7.8)

1.52 (0.84-2.75)


67 (5.3)

145 (1.7)

3.18 (0.80-12.65)

Other Asiansb

54 (5.4)

251 (3.1)

1.78 (0.43-7.35)

Asian and Pacific Islanderc

401 (8.5)

1792 (5.2)

1.69 (1.02-2.80)

  1. aIncludes Samoan, Guamanian, Other Pacific Islanders.
  2. bIncludes Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, and other Asians.
  3. cIncludes Hawaiians, Other Pacific Islanders, Filipinos, and Other Asians.