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Table 4 Students’ awareness and knowledge about the effect of Waterpipe smoking on oral health (N = 547)

From: Prevalence, social acceptance, and awareness of waterpipe smoking among dental university students: a cross sectional survey conducted in Jordan

Awareness and knowledge questions

Responses N (%)



Don’t know

Male N (%)

Female N (%)

Total N (%)

Male N (%)

Female N (%)

Total N (%)

Male N (%)

Female N (%)

Total N (%)

Waterpipe smoking is less harmful to oral health than cigarettes smoking

66 (44.0)

90 (22.8)

156 (28.6)

72 (48.0)

263 (66.6)

335 (61.5)

12 (8.0)

42 (10.6)

54 (9.9)

Waterpipe smoking transfers infectious diseases

123 (82.0)

357 (90.4)

480 (88.1)

22 (14.7)

16 (4.1)

38 (7.0)

5 (3.3)

22 (5.6)

27 (5.0)

Waterpipe smoking is a risk factor for oral cancer

109 (72.7)

339 (85.6)

448 (82.1)

21 (14.0)

16 (4.0)

37 (6.8)

20 (3.3)

41 (10.4)

61 (11.2)

Waterpipe smoking may aggregate the inflammation of gum tissues

120 (79.5)

367 (92.7)

487 (89.0)

17 (11.3)

13 (3.3)

30 (5.5)

14 (9.3)

16 (4.0)

30 (5.5)

Waterpipe smoking increases the incidence of dry sockets

103 (68.7)

297 (75.2)

400 (73.4)

16 (10.7)

22 (5.6)

38 (7.0)

31 (20.7)

76 (19.2)

107 (19.6)

Waterpipe smoking causes teeth and oral tissues staining

114 (75.5)

342 (86.4)

456 (83.4)

27 (17.9)

31 (7.8)

58 (10.6)

10 (6.6)

23 (5.8)

33 (6.0)

Waterpipe smoking causes halitosis

85 (56.7)

298 (75.4)

383 (70.3)

54 (36.0)

60 (15.2)

114 (20.9)

11 (7.3)

37 (9.4)

48 (8.8)

Waterpipe smoking delays wound healing time

84 (55.6)

243 (61.4)

327 (59.8)

26 (17.2)

48 (12.1)

74 (13.5)

41 (27.2)

105 (26.5)

146 (26.7)

Waterpipe smoking is associated with dental implant failure

68 (45.0)

219 (55.3)

287 (52.5)

22 (14.6)

26 (6.6)

48 (8.8)

60 (39.7)

151 (38.1)

211 (38.6)

Waterpipe smoking increases the ones risk of dental decay

80 (53.0)

270 (68.4)

350 (64.1)

39 (25.8)

57 (14.4)

96 (17.6)

32 (21.2)

68 (17.2)

100 (18.3)