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Table 7 Comparison of neurocognitive data between groups

From: White matter deficits assessed by diffusion tensor imaging and cognitive dysfunction in psychostimulant users with comorbid human immunodeficiency virus infection


Controls (n = 22)

Patients (n = 21)

Test statistic

Effect size (d)

TMT trail A (s)

31.05 ± 1.22

33.81 ± 2.46



TMT trail B (s)b

66.77 ± 4.70

101.29 ± 10.30

147.0 (−2.04)*


Grooved pegboard dominant hand (s)

65.86 ± 1.95

95.05 ± 5.49



Grooved pegboard non-dominant hand (s)

71.05 ± 2.03

90.35a ± 4.05




0.89 ± 0.01

0.86a ± 0.01



CVLT-II total recall

45.86 ± 1.98

34.33 ± 2.47



CVLT-II short delay free recall

10.23 ± 0.74

7.00 ± 0.67



CVLT-II long delay free recall

10.45 ± 0.61

7.48 ± 0.79



CVLT-II recognition discriminability

3.04 ± 0.19

2.47 ± 0.17



IED EDS errorsb

9.55 ± 2.16

17.10 ± 2.40

168.0 (−1.53)


IED Pre-EDS errorsb

21.41 ± 4.34

43.86 ± 7.43

191.0 (−0.972)


  1. Numbers indicate raw scores of group mean ± SEM with no mathematical transformations (lower scores represent better performance on variables measured in seconds or errors)
  2. Significant difference between groups * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01
  3. TMT trail making test, RVP rapid visual information processing, CVLT California verbal learning test, IED intra/extra dimensional shift
  4. an = 20; test statistic = t value from independent t-tests or b Mann–Whitney U (z) value from the non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test for non-normal data