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Fig. 2 | BMC Research Notes

Fig. 2

From: Immunolocalization of pectic polysaccharides during abscission in pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.) and in abscission less def pea mutant seeds

Fig. 2

Light micrographs of sections stained with toluidine blue to show structural differences (a, f, k and p) and micrographs of indirect immunofluorescence detection of pectic epitopes in AZ of tall wild type (JI116) and in ALZ of tall def mutant (JI1184) pea seeds. a–e Tall wild type young seeds (JI116 10.1). f–j Tall def mutant young seed (JI1184 8.1). k–o Tall wild type mature seed (JI116 2.1). p–t Tall def mutant mature seed (JI1184 2.2). b, g, l and q Immunolabeling with LM5 galactan. c, h, m and r Immunolabeling with LM6 arabinan. d, i, n and s Immunolabeling with JIM5. e, j, o and t Immunolabeling with JIM7. PL Palisade layer, CPL Counter palisade layer, AZ abscission zone; FN funicle; SE seed; ALZ abscission less zone. Arrows indicated the AZ. Scale bars 100 μm

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