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Table 2 Clinical characteristics of study participants

From: Tenofovir-associated renal toxicity in a cohort of HIV infected patients in Ghana


N = 300

n, %

Duration on TDF (study endpoint/censoring), median (IQR) years

2.9 [2.3–3.4]

Baseline CrCl rate, median (IQR), mL/min

76.8 [58.3–105.4]

WHO HIV stage

 Stage I

52 (17.3)

 Stage II

76 (25.3)

 Stage III

134 (44.7)

 Stage IV

38 (12.7)

HIV type

 Type I

284 (94.7)

 Type II

16 (5.3)

ART regimen administered


291 (97.0)


9 (3.0)

Baseline CD4 count (cells/mm3)

  < 150

134 (44.7)


58 (19.3)

  > 250

108 (36.0)

Adverse event


47 (15.7)


253 (84.3)



220 (68.0)


22 (7.3)


10 (3.3)


10 (3.3)


9 (3.0)


9 (3.0)


8 (2.7)


7 (2.3)

 Cerebral toxoplasmosis

6 (2.0)

 Urinary tract infection

5 (1.7)


2 (0.7)


2 (0.7)


1 (0.3)

 Deep vein thrombosis

1 (0.3)

 Gouty arthritis

1 (0.3)


1 (0.3)



260 (86.7)


21 (7.0)


13 (4.3)


5 (1.7)


3 (1.0)


2 (0.7)


2 (0.7)


1 (0.3)

  1. ART: Antiretroviral therapy; CrCl: creatinine clearance rate; NNRTI: non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI: protease inhibitor; TDF: tenofovir
  2. a% May not add up to 100