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Table 3 Adjusted odds ratios of having DM or pre-DM for 5 kg increase in handgrip strength

From: Observational study: handgrip strength, body composition and diabetes mellitus



aOR (95% CI)

FFM model 1


0.810 (0.729–0.899)

FFM model 2


0.813 (0.731–0.905)

BMI model 1


0.848 (0.708–0.937)

BMI model 2


0.844 (0.764–0.932)

  1. aOR adjusted odds ratio, 95% CI 95% confidence interval, FFM at free mass, BMI body mass index
  2. FFM model 1: Adjusted for age, FFM, and FFM*sex(interaction)
  3. FFM model 2: Adjusted for age, FFM, FFM*sex(interaction), hypertension treatment, dyslipidemia treatment, exercise, and current tobacco smoking
  4. BMI model 1: Adjusted for age, BMI, and BMI*sex(interaction)
  5. BMI model 2: Adjusted for age, BMI, BMI*sex(interaction), dyslipidemia treatment, and current tobacco smoking