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Table 1 RNA quality and NGS output among sample types

From: Immunomagnetic B cell isolation as a tool to study blood cell subsets and enrich B cell transcripts

RNA quality and yield

Whole blood


Isolated B cells


9.28 (0.3)

9.75 (0.3)

9.78 (0.2)

RNA yield (ng)

301 (30.9)

559 (364.2)

186 (137.4)

Sequencing output

 Total reads (× 106)

53.97 (7.9)

47.21 (2.45)

57.31 (4.86)

 Abundant reads (% of total)

7.60 (1.33)

7.46 (1.70)

9.87 (1.19)

 Aligned reads (% filtered)

97.60 (0.33)

97.88 (0.28)

94.93 (1.74)

 Fold coverage (coding)

113.32 (20.53)

103.92 (6.54)

100.69 (11.92)

  1. Values represent mean (SD), n = 4/group. RNA yield for whole blood corresponds to ng/200 µl, and for PBMC and B cells yield represents ng/1e6 cells. RIN, RNA integrity number