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Table 2 The results of moderated mediation analysis in career choice anxiety and career exploration

From: Does shift-and-persist strategy buffer career choice anxiety and affect career exploration?


b [95% CI], β

Direct effects

 SES → career exploration

− 0.02 [− 0.21, 0.17], − 0.01

 Career choice anxiety → career exploration

− 0.03 [− 0.08, 0.03], − 0.05

 S-P → career exploration

3.83 [0.92, 6.70], 0.43

 SES → career choice anxiety

0.32 [− 0.13, 0.75], 0.08

 S-P → career choice anxiety

− 7.62 [− 14.22, − 1.40], − 0.41

Interaction effects

 SES ×S-P → career exploration

0.07 [− 0.23, 0.24], 0.01

 SES ×S-P → career choice anxiety

0.22 [− 0.30, 0.79], 0.15

Conditional indirect effect

 SES ×lower S-P → career choice anxiety → career exploration

− 0.00 [− 0.05, 0.01], − 0.00

 SES ×higher S-P → career choice anxiety → career exploration

-0.01 [− 0.08, 0.01], − 0.01

  1. Number of bootstrap samples for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 5000. b = unstandardized coefficient, β = standardized beta, CI = confidence interval, SES = socioeconomic status, S-P = shift-and-persist strategy. Significant paths are shown in bold