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Table 4 Energy scores resulting from each protein structure. Listed are the changes in free energy for each protein-sorbitol complex with corresponding descriptions of the complex and/or Python code run on the complex

From: In-silico molecular designs to treat neurologic and ophthalmologic diseases caused by sorbitol excess: engineering the Agrobacterium vitis protein


Energy Score


New Protein


(protein only:


Protein-sorbitol complex

New Protein After RepeatMover


Protein-sorbitol complex with iteration via RepeatMover code with variables kT = 1 and n = 20

New Protein After MinMover


Protein-sorbitol complex with backbone angles adjusted via MinMover code

Mutated Protein (All Binding Pocket Residues) After PackMover


Mutated protein-sorbitol complex via PackMover (simulated annealing and Metropolis/Monte Carlo to find best residues and rotamers) for all 18 residues within four Angstroms of the binding pocket

Mutated Protein (Selected Binding Pocket Residues) After PackMover


(protein only:


Mutated protein-sorbitol complex via PackMover (simulated annealing and Metropolis/Monte Carlo to find best residues and rotamers) for a selected 5 residues within four Angstroms of the binding pocket

New Protein After FastRelax


Protein-sorbitol complex with backbone angles adjusted and side chains repacked via FastRelax code