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Table 2 Mean BPI scores by pre-existing condition, time on feet and daily shift patterns

From: The humanistic and economic burden of work-related musculoskeletal pain: a cross-sectional survey of workers in the United Kingdom

Pre-existing condition

BPI Severity [mean (SD)]

BPI Interference

[mean (SD)]

No (N = 798)

4.45 (2.06)

4.14 (2.45)

Yes (N = 237)

5.23 (2.03)

5.17 (2.48)


t(1,1033) = 680.2, p < 0.0001

t(1,1033) = 1032.3, p < 0.0001

Time on feet (N = 797)


Little time

4.00 (2.09)

3.25 (1.63)

Half of the time

4.21 (1.96)

3.86 (2.26)

Most of the time

4.42 (1.96)

4.11 (2.44)

All of the time

4.71 (2.29)

4.42 (2.62)


F(3,793) = 1.95, p = 0.12

 F(3,793) = 1.78, p = 0.15

Daily shift (N = 398)


5 h per day

4.59 (2.12)

4.41 (2.55)

6 h per day

4.64 (2.11)

4.16 (2.94)

7 h per day

4.72 (1.92)

4.44 (2.25)

8 h per day

4.84 (1.95)

4.64 (2.33)

More than 8 h per day

5.05 (2.22)

5.03 (2.66)


F(4,393) = 0.63, p = 0.64

 F(4,393) = 1.18, p = 0.32

  1. *SD: standard deviation; F: F-ratio; t: t-value